Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cards and Gifts Prep for the Month


OK with the Summers being a crazy time for us I try to pre-prep as much as possible the rest of the year I will do this one month at a time. Now I am talking about birthday, anniversary, graduation, housewarming, baby/bridal showers ect. I then place everything in one place where we can grab and go. No last minute scramble to buy a gift or bag, no rush to find a card. Some of my tips are posted below. 

1.) Buy cards in bulk and at Dollar Tree
We buy our cards at Dollar Tree. I know cheap. But they have a lot of cute ones and I would rather take the extra $2-5 I would have spent on a card on the gift. When I buy cards I will take a list of who/what I need. This last trip was for May, June and July because of the baby coming so I had 15 Birthday cards (a mix of ages for kids and adults), 2 bridal showers, 1 wedding, fathers day, 10 graduations and 1 housewarming. 
I take the cards once they are sealed and write the persons name on it. On the back I will write the date, time and location of the event. This is such a nice hack to have so you are not digging looking for the invite for a party to find the address. 
I keep our invites taped in my planner on the week of the event  for family history but so having written if Nate drops the kids off or goes without me he doesn't have to take it out

2.) Find a gift that can fit in the envelope or slip both into a cute bag and tie it. 
For graduations I typically give a nice journal to the graduate to have to record their new adventure. Sometimes I will tuck in some cash or a gift card for them. For our Nieces and Nephews we have been just doing cards for birthdays so we add in some fun stickers or activity pages for them the play with. 

3.) Keep a Stash
 Keep a stash of kids gifts on hand for your kids to "shop from" without the stress of the store and having to argue over prices. This is a newer one we have been using. With B (our 7 year old) he loves to shop and has good taste on what his friends and family would want but he usually will go for things outside our budget. When we go to the store we will tell him you have x amount to buy a gift. He then takes FOREVER to shop. So we have the mommy store now that he can pick from. I will pick up things on sale, dollar store, yard sales ect that I can store in our tote. Our younger 2 love this too because they get to pick a gift and help wrap it. When you keep your eyes open you can finds some great deals on gifts. NOTE: Make sure you set a limit and are aware of what you already have tucked away. Also LIMIT the space you are allowed to use. We have 1 tote. That tote holds our birthday favors, gifts and a handful of knit hats (we give these away at the holidays) 

4.) Keep Gifts in One Place
 Finally any gifts we are giving to anyone or that come in for us go here till the day needed. That way those gifts are where we need them when we need them. We stack our kids gifts here for their birthdays as packages come in the mail. They love opening up the mail and boxes so this is one way we can let them know that they couldn't open it because it was for their birthday. Not to mention it creates a lot of anticipation for opening gifts time. 

Tradition for Graduation

I am big on traditions and this is one that I started last year and I hope I can succeed in finishing for all my kiddos. What is is you may ask? A time capsule of messages from all the people who have influenced my kids on their journey to graduation. Teachers, coaches, mentors ect. The plan is to have them sign this and leave a note without the kids knowing what it is. So far the blow method is working for my 1st grader but we will probably be changing it in a year or 2 as he gets snoopy. 

So how does it work?

Buy this book or one of your choosing Click Here . My husband and I were each given this one at graduation by people who influenced our lives so it holds a significant meaning to us, also our kids LOVE Dr. Seuss books and you can never be to old for a good Dr. Seuss book 

Money saver tip: watch for Target to have their DR Seuss book sale (near DR Seuss's Birthday) or put it in you amazon cart and pick it up when it is NOT graduation season. 

Add a cute note to the teacher. Below is what last years note looked like when we sent it in. This year I am working on stickers to place on the inside cover of the book. Make sure you kids Name is written on the book, first and last. You never know how many Jonny Smiths there will be and if you will move schools over the years. Also make sure your name is somewhere on the note so the teacher's know who to get it back to. This is really important if you have a different last name then your child.

Our note format (boy)

Dear Teacher,

    As parents, we appreciate the countless hours you have poured into our
Son, (child’s Name). The knowledge, guidance, and leadership you have
demonstrated will always remain in his heart. You have played such an
important role in his life and have helped him grow in so many ways,
and for that, we cannot thank you enough.
As a favor to us, we would like to ask you to please take a moment to
write a small note to (Child’s Name) anywhere inside this book. In honor
of you, we will present this book to him as a surprise at his high school
graduation.  We cannot think of a better way to celebrate this achievement
than with the words of those who directly impacted his education.
Please notify us when you are finished so arrangements
can be made to pick up the signed book.

     Our sincerest gratitude,
(parent’s Names)
Parents of (child’s name)
Class of (graduation Year)

Our note format (girl)

Dear Teacher,

    As parents, we appreciate the countless hours you have poured into our
daughter, (child’s Name). The knowledge, guidance, and leadership you have
demonstrated will always remain in her heart. You have played such an
important role in her life and have helped her grow in so many ways, and
 for that, we cannot thank you enough.
As a favor to us, we would like to ask you to please take a moment to
write a small note to (child’s name) anywhere inside this book. In honor
of you, we will present this book to her as a surprise at her high school
graduation.  We cannot think of a better way to celebrate this achievement
than with the words of those who directly impacted her education.
Please notify us when you are finished so arrangements
can be made to pick up the signed book.

Our sincerest gratitude,
(Parent’s Names)
Parents of (child’s Names)
Class of (graduation year)

Next step is to send it in to the teachers. I recommend sending it in a week or two before school is out teachers are normally less stressed at this point and it's not to hard for them to find a moment to write.  This year and last we just slipped the book into an envelope with the teacher's names we wanted it to go to and a quick note on the outside. I also have my address and contact information on it in case it gets lost between school and home. I'm up at the school everyday for pick up and volunteering that it wont be to hard for me to pop in and grab it if needed. But if you have a bus rider, walker or rely on your little to transport it you never know where it may end up. 

Once the book is home I check to make sure all the asked teachers filled it out and I admit I like to read the notes they leave. I then put the book back in the envelope and we tuck it away on our top shelf next to the kids Birthday books. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hospital Bag Round 4

Round 4 of packing our hospital bag. I am a big prep person I make lists and then check them several times before I start to pack. and then I pack, unpack and repack as I add or take things out. 

This time around I am going for comfort. I hate wearing the hospital gowns while in the hospital. I will normally wear it for delivery and right after till I get a shower to clean up. After that I wear a home bought Hospital gown (no longer sold) but here area couple others that are nice. click here

For Baby Girl:

Hat and Headband
Burp Cloth
Blanket and Swaddle
Diapers and Wipes (our hospital provides but we take a couple)
New born and 0-3 month cool weather outfit
Newborn and 0-3 month Warm weather outfit 
Sleep Gown

About the outfits: our kids tend to be on the big size so I never know if they will be in newborn or in 0-3 month when they are born so I prepare for both sizes and when you have a spring baby in Michigan you never know if you are going home in sunshine, rain or snow. (We have had it all) 

For Mom:

Nursing bras
Going home outfit I normally wear black yoga pants a tank and sweater
Comfy hospital gown
Towel from home that is big and softer then hospital ones
Shower flip flops
Extra duffel to bring home goodies from hospital 

(not pictured) 
Wallet with id and medical cards
Birth Plan
Nursing Pillow
Bathroom Toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothbrush and paste 
Deodorant, Hair ties (take 2), brush, lotion, chapstick and makeup basically what you need to feel human again

For Dad:

I always end up packing his stuff too. My hubby works in the construction field so I never know what he is going to come home wearing so I make sure he has something clean to change into if we have to meet at the hospital (so far he's always been home when we go) 

Tee and Shorts (our hospital is kept really warm) and these can double as PJ's 
Under Clothes
Flip Flops or Shoes

Not pictured:
Blanket and pillow (hospital provides but not that comfy)

We also take things to do
 cards, movies on phone, charger, book (He usually has Harry Potter of some sort), snacks, headphones, journal, camera, list of baby names

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Target Baby Bag

With number 4 coming in JUNE and being our first girl we decided to pick up a few free baby gifts. this one is from TARGET. To get the bag you just need to make a baby registry. I made mine online and then went to the store to pick up the gift. You can also make it in store with their customer service desk and scanner or they now have a registry app (you can use it for weddings too). With all 4 kids I normally make a registry, 1) you get a coupon closer to the end/ after baby is due to buy things cheaper 2) we have family all over that like to shop for our littles this is one way I can give them an idea of what we need/want

Now on to the gift bag. You pick this up at the customer service desk sometimes they ask you to show your registry and sometimes they don't. My sister had to show hers a year ago but I went in a week ago and didn't. It all depends on when you go and who's working the counter. 

Here is the cute little bag it all came in. It is a canvas/ plastic material and I have seen several different prints over the years. I really like this round bags because there is not giant target label on it. Past bags had it written on the sides plus the logo. My boys love these bags to carry toys, picnic lunches, activities for church ect. We've used them to carry an extra outfit and shoes even. Just a great all purpose bag to have around for littles. Somehow we collected these bags from others.

Lets get to the inside. The Target Big Deal Book is filled with coupons for mom and baby. There's a Starbucks coupon in there for those with one in store. Other coupons include nursing/maternity clothing for mom, nursing gear, shampoo, Lotion, snacks, diapers, wipes, baby gear, baby clothing and more. Pay attention to the expiration dates when you pick up your bag and shop. 

Also inside is a how to guide on getting a breast pump from your insurance through target. I havn't done this because our hospital fills the script and gives it to us on site for us when we get ready to leave with baby.  

Finally you have little one time use sample packs of Babyganics lotion. Great for in your purse or on the go and you don't want to carry a diaper bag. 

Next up Diapering samples. Honest and Pampers gives you a couple diapers and wipes. you also get a couple up & up (Target brand) diapers and a pack of water wipes. We love the sample packs of wipes for on the go in our diaper bag or my purse and it is nice to get different brands of diapers to try and see what works best for your little ones bum. All three of our boys had allergy issues with several brands so it was nice to figure that out without opening a whole case. 

A few more samples. for a one time use or travel use. 

Lansioh includes a couple individual packaged breast pads and storage bags. The pads are great to keep in your diaper bag, car, or purse for those off chances you may leak though you other ones. You also have travel sized lotion and bedtime bath wash both great to keep on hand in the diaper bag for a needed bath at Grandma and Grandpas after a blow out. Finally a binky. this is great when your trying to decide what brand and shape you little one likes

Last but not least bottle samples. Even if you don't use these they are great to have on hand for baby shower gifts or to pass on to another mom that can use them.

Over all the bag is free for just a little work in making a registry (or in my case a pre-baby shopping list) and worth running to the store to grab. Use the coupons to pick up the items you need and save a couple bucks to put towards date night or other needs and use the samples to stock your travel bag and diaper bag. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Amazon Baby Box

With number 4 coming in JUNE and being our first girl we decided to pick up a few free baby gifts. this one is from AMAZON. To get the bag you just need to make a baby registry. With all 4 kids I normally make a registry, 1) you get a coupon closer to the end/ after baby is due to buy things cheaper 2) we have family all over that like to shop for our littles this is one way I can give them an idea of what we need/want. 

With Amazon you have to 1.) make a registry on your PRIME account, 2.) fill all the categories (TIP: you can mark things as complete without registering for something). 3) purchase $10 worth of product from registry (Tip: anything on your registry can count, we bought our Stuffy Bean Bags) 4) Order the box. 

Ordering the box: you will click the link for the box once it says you are eligible and put it in the cart. It will say you owe $35 for check out but will drop to $0 at check out. After check out it should show up in a couple weeks. We ended up getting ours after 4 days so that was cool. 

Box it comes in

Inside is a cute note and congratulations with a paper protecting all the products and samples

Coupons for baby gear and products

Water wipes sample pack. Great for the diaper bag or on the go. Laundry soap 1 time use sample, this is perfect for travel or camping. 

Under all the leaflets and papers

Seventh Generation Diaper sample pack, wipe samples with coupon.  

Travel size lotions and body wash. Great for weekend trips and the diaper bag. We love HONEST and AVEENO for our kids and use these sample sizes in their travel bags. 

Bottle sample. Avent was a favorite of my younger 2 boy when they did take a bottle. 

My favorite item of the box was the muslin swaddle blanket. These are AMAZING for the summer! Not to hot and big enough to drape of for nursing, cover the car seat from the sun, use for sleeping and swaddling and so much more. My 2 year old still uses a couple of the ones we have at night or in the car when it is hot.

Is it a $35 value. Pricing out blanket, bottle, lotions, baby wash, diapers and wipes I feel like it is pretty close to that in value. I also feel it is worth taking the time to make the registry and order to receive the box